0 174

Title: Mathematics Practical

Assignment 1: Introduction to Python                                                                                                   

Installation of Python
● Values and Types :int ,float,str,etc
● Variables: assignment statements ,printing variable values, types of variables
● Boolean operators, Logical operators
● Mathematical functions from math, cmath, modules.


  • Q1) Write a python Program for Value And Types Python Program Int, Float, String.

    ans :

    age = 25

    height = 5.9

    name = “Alice”

    print(“Age:”, age)

    print(“Type of age:”, type(age))

    print(“Height:”, height)

    print(“Type of height:”, type(height))

    print(“Name:”, name)

    print(“Type of name:”, type(name))


  • Q2) Write a python Program for variable assignment statement


  • age = 25

    print(“The age is:”, age)

    height = 5.9

    print(“The height is:”, height)

    name = “Alice”

    print(“The name is:”, name)

    # Assigning a boolean value to a variable

    is_student = True

    print(“Is the person a student?”, is_student)

    # Assigning multiple variables at once

    x, y, z = 10, 20, 30

    print(“Values of x, y, and z are:”, x, y, z)

    # Swapping values between variables

    a, b = 5, 10

    print(“Before swapping: a =”, a, “, b =”, b)

    a, b = b, a

    print(“After swapping: a =”, a, “, b =”, b)

    # Assigning a value to multiple variables

    m = n = o = 50

    print(“Values of m, n, and o are:”, m, n, o)


  • Q3) Write a python Program for variable printing variable value and types of variable.


  • # Define variables of different types

    integer_var = 42

    float_var = 3.14

    string_var = “Hello, World!”

    boolean_var = True

    list_var = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    # Print the value and type of each variable

    print(“Value:”, integer_var, “Type:”, type(integer_var))

    print(“Value:”, float_var, “Type:”, type(float_var))

    print(“Value:”, string_var, “Type:”, type(string_var))

    print(“Value:”, boolean_var, “Type:”, type(boolean_var))

    print(“Value:”, list_var, “Type:”, type(list_var))



  • Q4) Write a python Program for Boolean operator And Logical Operator.


           a = True

           b = False

             # Logical Operators

         print(“a and b:”, a and b) # Logical AND

        print(“a or b:”, a or b) # Logical OR

        print(“not a:”, not a) # Logical NOT

       # Combining Boolean and Logical Operators

        x = 10

        y = 20

     # Example 1: Logical AND 

      result1 = (x > 5) and (y < 25)

     print(“Result of (x > 5) and (y < 25):”, result1)

    # Example 2: Logical OR

     result2 = (x < 5) or (y < 25)

     print(“Result of (x < 5) or (y < 25):”, result2)

   # Example 3: Logical NOT

    result3 = not (x > 5)

    print(“Result of not (x > 5):”, result3)


  • Q5) Write a python Program for mathematical function from math, cmath, modules


  • import math

    import cmath

    # Example values

    number = 16

    complex_number = 1 + 2j

    # Using math module

    print(“Using math module:”)

    print(f”Square root of {number}: {math.sqrt(number)}”)

    print(f”Factorial of 5: {math.factorial(5)}”)

    print(f”Cosine of 45 degrees: {math.cos(math.radians(45))}”)

    print(f”Logarithm (base 10) of 100: {math.log10(100)}”)

    # Using cmath module

    print(“\nUsing cmath module:”)

    print(f”Square root of {complex_number}: {cmath.sqrt(complex_number)}”)

    print(f”Exponent of {complex_number}: {cmath.exp(complex_number)}”)

    print(f”Logarithm of {complex_number}: {cmath.log(complex_number)}”)

    print(f”Polar coordinates of {complex_number}: {cmath.polar(complex_number)}”)

    # For completeness, let’s use some trigonometric functions from math

    angle_degrees = 30

    angle_radians = math.radians(angle_degrees)

    print(f”\nTrigonometric functions for angle {angle_degrees} degrees:”)

    print(f”Sine of {angle_degrees} degrees: {math.sin(angle_radians)}”)

    print(f”Tangent of {angle_degrees} degrees: {math.tan(angle_radians)}”)




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